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To support cost reduction projects creating reverse and forward e-auction. E-ihale ve elektronik ihale süreçleri konusunda danışmanlık.

Turkish steel sector January-July of 2014

Tosyalı is investing about USD 3.5 billion in mills and power plants as it expands in Algeria.

Bloomberg reported that Tosyali Holding AS, a Turkish steelmaker, is investing about USD 3.5 billion in mills and power plants as it expands in Algeria and adds a specialized steel plant with Toyo Kohan Company for food packaging in Turkey.

Mr Fuat Tosyali chairman of Tosyali Holding said that “The company is investing USD 1.3 billion to expand capacity at an ore to steel plant in Algeria. The steelmaker also plans USD 1.7 billion, 1,300 MW power plant that will burn imported coal in Iskenderun, on the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey and where Tosyali is based.”

Mr Tosyali said that “The company’s joint venture with Toyo Kohan is investing USD 425 million in the packaging steel plant in Osmaniye, in the south of the country. We want to grow in Turkey but also benefit from the growth of other countries. Most of those investments are planned for 2015.”

He said that “Acquisitions at home and abroad are also on our agenda, but not that urgently. The company doesn’t plan any initial public offering of the holding or its units in the short or medium term.”

Source – Bloomberg

Turkish steel sector  January-July of 2014

Turkish steel sector  export during the period of January-July of 2014 is 8.07 billion dollars in value and 10.6 million tons in amount basis.

When you compare with last year,%5,1 decrease in value and %6,7 decrease in terms of value (tons).

Turkey’s exports to Iraq declined by 30 percent in July and this will effect the yearly export target.


Iran as Low cost country sourcing

Lets take a look at the figures of Iran automotive manufacturing.

Iran has around 2 million production capacity.

Iran is one of the key player in middle east in automotive industry.

Please visit our web site to find  reliable manufacturers from Iran.


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Distribütor Talebi

Distribütor Talebi,

Sitemize yeni bir bölüm ekledik.Özellikle üretim ve imalat yapan firmaların özellikle Avrupa ve Ortadoğu pazarlarında ürünlerini satabilmek için distribütor arayışında olduğunu biliyoruz.Dolayısıyla Distribütor Talebi bölümümüzde yeni gelen Distribütor taleplerini  eklemeye başladık.


Eğer firma olarak  Distribütor arıyorsanız  Distribütor talebinizi ekleyebilir ya da yeni  Distribütor taleplerini sitemizde inceleyebilirsiniz.


Low cost country Suppliers.



Tedarik zinciri yöneticilerinin,satınalma uzmanlarının büyük bir bölümü üreticilerden  teklif almak ve teklif için hazırlayacağı dökümanları hazırlamak için uzun zaman harcarlar.Sitemiz sayesinde imalatçılara teklif gönderebilir, teklif gönderirken teknik resimler,şartname,excel dökümanları,gizlilik sözleşmesi  ekleyebilirsiniz.Teknik resminize uygun olarak üretim yapılmasını sağlayabilirsiniz.Özellikle prototip ve 3D printing için kullanabilirsiniz.

Satınalma teklifini aldıkdan sonra tedarikçilerden gelen teklifleri saklayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca teklifi ayrıntılı olarak işçilik ve malzeme olarak isteyebilirsiniz.Gelen teklifte üretici paketleme+kalıp ve nakliye fiyatlarını da belirtebilir böylece siz satınalma yetkilisi olarak detaylı bir teklif almış olursunuz.

Satınalma talebinizin yayınlanma süresi bitince gelen teklifleri  tekliflerim bölümünde detaylı olarak inceleyebilirsiniz.






Düşük maliyetli ülkelerden satınalma yapmak

Düşük maliyetli ülkelerden satınalma yapmak artık günümüzde bütün firmaların satınalma bölümlerinin izlediği bir strateji haline gelmiştir.

adsızİşçilik Maliyetleri363

Düşük maliyetli ülkelerden satınalma yapılmasanın ana sebebi yukarıda tabloda gördüğünüz gibi işcilik maliyetlerinin Romanya,Bulgaristan,Moldova gibi ülkelerde düşük olmasıdır.

Satınalma bölümlerinde oluşturulan stratejik satınalma bölümleri tarafından tedarikçi araştırılması ve geliştirilmesi yapılarak Romanya,Bulgaristan,Moldova gibi ülkelerden satınalma yapılabilmektedir.



Dövme prosesi ile Döküm prosesinin karşılaştırılması

Dövme prosesi ile Döküm prosesi ile parça üretimi yıllardır birbiriyle kıyaslanmaktadır.Hem dövme yönteminin hem de döküm yönteminin kendine göre avantajları ve dezavantajları mevcuttur.Dövme yöntemi ile elde edilen parçalar döküme göre boşluksuz yapıda olduğu için daha güvenli olduğu söylenebilir.

Ayrıca dövme kalıplarının maliyetleri, döküm modellerinin maliyetlerine göre daha pahalıdır.

Daha ayrıntılı bir karşılaştırma için aşağıdaki yazıyı okuyabilirsiniz.




Conflict Minerals-İhtilaflı madenler

İhtilaflı madenler, Demokratik  Kongo Cumhuriyeti (DRC) ve çevresindeki ülkelerde,
insan hakları ihlalleri altında  çıkarılan Kalay, Tungsten, Tantal ve Altın madenleridir.

31 Mayıs 2014 tarihinden itibaren firmalara  İhtilaflı madenleri kullanmadıklarına dair form doldurma zorunluğu getirilmiştir.





www.lccsupplier.com olarak sitemize yeni özellikler ekledik.Sitemiz talaşlı imalat,döküm,çelik döküm,dövme,çelik dövme,alüminyum dövme,hassas döküm,şişirme kalıplama,ekstrüzyon vb imalatçılar için hem firmalarını tanıtma işlemi görmekte hem de talep ve teklif yayınlamalarına olanak sağlamaktadır.

Bu özelliklere ek olarak makina ilanlarını yayınlama,sadece mühendislik ve teknik alanlarda yayınlanan iş olanaklarına ulaşma,grup oluşturarak teknik konularda tartışma imkanı ve distribütör talebi ekleme özelliklerini ekledik.

Umarız üretim sektöründe çalışan herkesin kullanabileceği bir web sitesi olmuştur.




Here is the some exhibition dates from www.lccsuppliers.com

1. http://www.subconshow.co.uk/     3-5 June 2014 The UK’s national subcontracting, advanced manufacturing and technology exhibition, providing a platform for engineers and manufacturers to compare suppliers and develop new partnerships.

2.http://www.schweissen-schneiden.com   The international trade world of joining, cutting and surfacing will meet once again in Essen from 16 to 21 September 2013 to present the entire spectrum of products, processes, services and machines.

3.http://www.blechexpo-messe.de         05-08 November 2013 The Schweisstec international specialist trade fair for joining technology forms the ideal complement. It presents all of the relevant mechanical and thermal joining and connecting procedures as well as thermal welding processes..

4.http://www.fabtechexpo.com/             North America’s largest metal forming, fabricating, welding and finishing event will be held at the North and South Halls of McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 18-21, 2013. The upcoming event is expected to cover more than 550,000 net square feet and anticipates over 35,000 attendees and 1,500 exhibiting companies.

5.http://www.mitexpo.com/        05-08 November 2013   MOSCOW international Tools Exhibition

6.Maintenance 2013 Poland MAINTENANCE 2013 will be co-located with SyMas 2013, Poland’s trade show for Bulk Solids, Processing and Storage. This will attract even more purchasing strong visitors which mean even better value for your investment.

7.EURO TOOL 15-17 OCTOBER 2013 POLAND EUROTOOL® Trade Fairs have EUROTOOL 2011a vast spectrum of influence. In one place and at one time professionals from all over the world meet during  fairs – CEO’s, owners, directors, engineers, designers and technicians representing such industries as: constructions, automotive, machine manufacturing, aeronautic, mining, railroads and others.

8. KOMPOZYT-EXPO  Poland on 21 and 22 November 2013.

Join  for the fourth season of the largest Trade Fair in Poland and Central Europe of Composites, Technologies and Machinery for the Production of Composite Materials – KOMPOZYT-EXPO, which will take place in Krakow, Poland on 21 and 22 November 2013.

9.http://www.ideb.sk   Slovakia International Defence Exhibition 13-15 May 2014

10.ELECTRONIST 26/29 September 2013  ISTANBUL

ISTANBULElectronic Components, Power Supplies and Embedded Systems Exhibition is preparing to bring together the product providers of the sector with the users professionals as well as those who are concerned for second time, at Istanbul Expo Center on September  26th – 29th, 2013.

11.16th – 19th October 2013 ROMEXPO will host the 39th edition of TIB – The Bucharest International Technical Fair.this edition of TIB will take in ROMEXPO’s Exhibitions Center together with INVENTIKA – The International Salon of Inventions and EEE – The International fair for renewable energy, conventional energy, equipment and technologies for oil and natural gas.

12.International Engineering Fair   Bruno Czech Republic 07/11-10-2013   

The International Engineering Fair (MSV) is the leading industrial trade fair in Central Europe with annual participation reaching more than 1500 exhibitors and 75000 visitors from  59 countries worldwide. More than a third of the exhibitors are from abroad. All nine of the key specialist sectors of the engineering industry are very well represented.

13. EUROTRANS Brno  Czech Republic

In October 2013, the Brno exhibition centre will host the première transport fair EUROTRANS.
The foundations stones of this new event are the existing Autotec and Transport a Logistika fairs. They will be expanded by the topic of railway transport titled RAIL-TEC, which has been a part of the Engineering Fair to date. The fair will last three days (Tuesday– Thursday) alongside the International Engineering Fair MSV.

The key topic of the EUROTRANS fair is „mobility“ – transport of passengers and goods and its alternatives in the future“. The fair is primarily intended for professionals and will take place once in two years in odd years.

14.http://www.fair.bg    INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL FAIR 30 September 2013 Bulgaria

The International Technical Fair is the most renowned Bulgarian forum of investment goods and technologies.

The International Technical Fair presents the latest developments of the world’s leading companies in machine building, automobiles, transport, information technologies, software products, electronics, electrical engineering, construction, chemistry, power engineering, ecology, etc.

15.STROYTECH  30 September 2013 Bulgaria

STROYTECH is one of the largest and most representative international trade exhibitions organized within the framework of the Autum Fair.Companies and associations from the construction sector exhibit the newest products and technologies and establish promising business partnerships.Bulgaria’s largest fair of investment goods and technologies is the best venue for the presentation of the businesses engaged in the field of construction and architecture.


ARABIA ESSEN WELDING & CUTTING 2013 will be held under the patronage of the world’s leading international trade association for welding, joining, cutting and surfacing, namely the German Welding Society (DVS), while TUBE ARABIA 2013 will be held under the patronage of the International Tube Association (ITA)


LUEXPO 2013 – “3rd Aluminium Technologies, Machinery and Products Trade Fair” will be organized between the dates, 3 – 6 October 2013 in Istanbul Expo Center Halls 9 – 10 – 11 with the full support of TALSAD – Turkish Aluminium Industrialists Association and UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers. This event is accompanied by an extensive conference program “6th Aluminium Symposium” organized by TALSAD-Turkish Aluminium Industrialists Association, UCTEA Chamber of Metallurgical Engineers and TUBITAK Marmara Research Center. AUEXPO 2013 is an exclusive forum where the leading names of the aluminium industry from home and abroad come together. This exhibition is designed to highlight the present and future scenario of Aluminium Industry, showcasing products and latest technologies.

18.http://www.automechanikadubai.com  3-5 June 2014 DUBAI

With more than 1,324 exhibitors and over 20,700 trade visitors, Automechanika Dubai is geared up to supply intermediate markets. A trading link to markets difficult to reach, this trade fair is a good platform to find out more about new products, find new supplier.

19.Fastener Fair Turkey 2013

Fastener Fair Turkey, the Exhibition for Fastener and Fixing technologies, will take place at IFM – Istanbul Expo Centre in Istanbul from 21 – 22 November 2013.

As Turkey’s only exhibition dedicated exclusively to the fastener and fixing industry, Fastener Fair Turkey will provide the essential meeting place for local, as well as international manufacturers, distributors and industry professionals.

20.SURFPROTECT   POLAND, 05-06 November 2013

Corrosion Protection SURFPROTECT which will take place on 5-6 November 2013 in Expo Silesia.

SURFPROTECT is the one and only event which gathers in one place the specialists in surface preparation and anti-corrosion, in galvanotechnics, in paints and varnishes, and the providers of services associated with surface preparation and processing technologies. The subjects will be presented in a comprehensive manner: they will include the protection of metal, wood and concrete surfaces.


Industrial and Construction Machinery, Electricity, Automation, UPS, Generators, Transformers, Energy, Renewable Energy, Installation Techniques, Lighting, HVAC, Refrigeration, Water Technology, Gas Applications, Tools and Industrial Supplies.

22.FABEX Middle East 2013 

FABEX Middle East 2013  The Middle East’s largest and exclusive exhibition featuring products, machines, plants, and equipment for sheet metal, pipes, sections, wire and steel structures, dies and moulds, welding, heat treatments, surface treatments, and finishing, it is the highly specialized interpreter of the needs of this industrial segment.


ALUMINIUM MIDDLE EAST covers the entire value chain of the aluminium industry.

Aluminium producers, aluminium processors as well as suppliers of technologies and accessories for aluminium productions, processing and refinement meet their buyers within 3 days in Dubai.

Here is more exhibition dates from www.lccsuppliers.com

24.PLASTEX 2012 

PLASTEX 2012 is the leading international trade fair dedicated to the plastic machinery, components, raw materials and chemicals at the MENA region. The fair presents products and services, technologies and innovations, trends and tendencies for trade markets. It is an international meeting-place for worldwide suppliers and regional manufacturers.

GCC set to become the No 1 source of petrochemicals and plastics products in the world.