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To support cost reduction projects creating reverse and forward e-auction. E-ihale ve elektronik ihale süreçleri konusunda danışmanlık.


PPM (Parts per million)

PPM is a measurement today that many customers use to measure quality performance of suppliers.

This is a way to zero defects products thus  this is way to excellence.

How we calculate PPM (Parts per million)?

When you have 25 claims in 1000 pieces shipment

PPM=(25/1000)X 1000000 PPM= 25 000 PPM

You should control people, products,production and process in order to achieve ZERO defects.

You receive first time RIGHT PRODUCT.

Please visit and join or web site www.lccsuppliers.com



TRIZ is is a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool  and started with Genrich Altshuller’s interest in invention and work in Soviet Navy patent office.

Let’s start with Gauss, What is the sum of consecutive numbers  from from 1 to 500?answer is 125125

1 2 3 4 5………………………..…………….501

500 499 498 497……………………………..1

501 501 501 501 501 501……………………501

How many 501 are there?501X500=250250

How many times the process is repeated?2 times so the answer is 250250/2=125125

“The inventor must find a new concept, and then the impossible becomes possible” Genrich Altshuller

Levels of Inventive solution.

Level 1: Standard  methods

Level 2: Small  Improvement

Level 3: Big  Improvement

Level 4: Invention outside paradigm, new system

Level 5: Discovery, essentially new system,

TRIZ  is a theory that aims to study the objective Laws of system evolution  and propose new technologies to improve problem solving process.

This is just the basic of TRIZ, you can find more information on the Internet.

Please visit our web site www.lccsuppliers.com

International Delivery Terms

Incoterms 2010

A new version was released and effected as January 1st 2011.

DAF/ DES / DEQ/ DDU are not used anymore.
–New Term: DAT – Delivered at Terminal
–New Term: DAP – Delivered at Place

Incoterms for Transport:

  • EXW – Ex Works
  • FCA – Free Carrier
  • CPT – Carriage Paid To
  • CIP – Carriage and Insurance Paid
  • DAT – Delivered At Terminal (new)
  • DAP – Delivered At Place (new)
  • DDP – Delivered Duty Paid

Incoterms for Sea Transport :

  • FAS – Free Alongside Ship
  • FOB – Free On Board
  • CFR – Cost and Freight
  • CIF – Cost, Insurance and Freight

Visit us www.lccsuppliers.com 


Here you can find abbreviations for supply chain and procurement.

BOM=Bill of Material

PO=Purchase order

QA=Quality Insurance

ERP=Enterprise Resource Planning

HVAC=Heating Ventilation air Conditioning

LCC=Life Cycle Cost

PDM=Product data Management

RFQ=Request for quotation

RFI=Request for quotation

RFP=Request for proposal

GTC=General terms and Documentation

Visit us www.lccsuppliers.com





www.lccsuppliers.com Sitesine Hoşgeldiniz

www.lccsuppliers.com Sitesine Hoşgeldiniz,

Bu internet sitesi satınalmacılar için teklif talebi, RFQ,RFI,  oluşturmak, tedarikçiler için farklı teknolojilerden istenen taleplere fiyat teklifi göndermek için yapılmış bir internet portalıdır.

Satınalma yetkilileri  Teknik Resim,Şartname ve Gizlilik sözleşmelerini yükleyerek Talepleri(RFQ) ve Bilgi Taleplerini(RFI) oluşturabilirler.Tedarikçi firmalar bu bilgilere ulaşarak istenilen ürüne rahatlıkla teklif verebilir.

Tedarik ve Satınalma olarak iki farklı şekilde üye olduktan sonra firmanızın tanıtım filmini,ürün fotoğraflarını, firma sunumunuzu yükleyerek bütün dünya ile paylaşabilirsiniz.

Henüz sitemiz yapım aşamasında olduğu için sizden aksaklıklar için şimdiden özür diliyoruz.

Welcome to Low Cost Country Sourcing

Welcome to Low Cost Country Suppliers web site,

We hope that you will take a moment to review this new web site and hope that you will find this new web site exciting and informative.

Low Cost Country Sourcing  is an online Marketplace to create RFQ and RFI for buyers  and to submit a quotation for suppliers to their manufactured parts in different production technologies.

Low Cost Country Suppliers have built up a huge database of information on  Eastern Europe manufacturing markets since 2004. Our aim is to find the right suppliers for buyers and right buyers for suppliers in Eastern Europe.

We are pleased to inform you that this is the beta version of our web site.Upcoming months we will do our best to finish testing of  www.lccsuppliers.com.

There is also another web site which is for e-auction, www.bideg.com.

E-Auction have been used for commercial transactions for years and there are many different types of  e-auction methods. Generally, auctions can be classified on the basis of competition, between sellers or buyers.

Enjoy it!