Kategori arşivi: Quality

Conflict Minerals-İhtilaflı madenler

İhtilaflı madenler, Demokratik  Kongo Cumhuriyeti (DRC) ve çevresindeki ülkelerde,
insan hakları ihlalleri altında  çıkarılan Kalay, Tungsten, Tantal ve Altın madenleridir.

31 Mayıs 2014 tarihinden itibaren firmalara  İhtilaflı madenleri kullanmadıklarına dair form doldurma zorunluğu getirilmiştir.




PPM (Parts per million)

PPM is a measurement today that many customers use to measure quality performance of suppliers.

This is a way to zero defects products thus  this is way to excellence.

How we calculate PPM (Parts per million)?

When you have 25 claims in 1000 pieces shipment

PPM=(25/1000)X 1000000 PPM= 25 000 PPM

You should control people, products,production and process in order to achieve ZERO defects.

You receive first time RIGHT PRODUCT.

Please visit and join or web site www.lccsuppliers.com



TRIZ is is a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool  and started with Genrich Altshuller’s interest in invention and work in Soviet Navy patent office.

Let’s start with Gauss, What is the sum of consecutive numbers  from from 1 to 500?answer is 125125

1 2 3 4 5………………………..…………….501

500 499 498 497……………………………..1

501 501 501 501 501 501……………………501

How many 501 are there?501X500=250250

How many times the process is repeated?2 times so the answer is 250250/2=125125

“The inventor must find a new concept, and then the impossible becomes possible” Genrich Altshuller

Levels of Inventive solution.

Level 1: Standard  methods

Level 2: Small  Improvement

Level 3: Big  Improvement

Level 4: Invention outside paradigm, new system

Level 5: Discovery, essentially new system,

TRIZ  is a theory that aims to study the objective Laws of system evolution  and propose new technologies to improve problem solving process.

This is just the basic of TRIZ, you can find more information on the Internet.

Please visit our web site www.lccsuppliers.com