Takt Zamanı (Takt Time)

Takt zamanı ,üretim veya verilen hizmetin  süresinin müşteri talebi ile kıyaslanmasıdır.

Üretim ya da hizmet için öngörülen toplam kullanılabilir zamanınızın müşteri talebine oranı hizmetin  karşılanma hızını verir.

x =  net çalışma zamanı (dakika/gün cinsinden)
y=    toplam talep ( adet/gün cinsinden)
x/y = t = takt zamanı (dakika / adet cinsinden) bulunur.

X= 27600 saniye (günlük çalışma zamanı

y=460 adet( günlük müşteri istegi)

t= 60 saniye/adet  işletmenin bu ürünü üretmek için  60 saniyesi var.

TUBACEX acquires the seamless stainless steel tube business of an Indian company

New acquisition,

Tubacex has reached an agreement with the Indian company, Prakash, to acquire its seamless stainless steel tube business. Therefore, Tubacex will improve its position in the fastest growing markets, with particular emphasis on Asia, where the Group is increasing its commercial presence by strengthening its sales team.
TUBACEX will acquire 68% of the aforementioned Prakash division, which is located close to Mumbai and is a consolidated company founded over 30 years ago, employing about 250 people with a turnover of 25 million Euros.

This acquisition fits perfectly into the company’s Strategic Plan. Following a successful initial phase of strengthening its financial position and improving results (2013-2014), it is now entering into the growth phase (2015 and 2016).

more at http://www.tubacex.es/

Turkish Pipemaker Market

According to Turkey’s Steel Pipe Manufacturers Association (CEBID), the country’s pipe exports totaled 1.95 million tonnes in 2014, rising by 4.9% when compared with the previous year. It says  that the pipe exports have surged despite political instability in some of the key export markets including Iraq. The value of pipe exports in 2014 amounted to $1.63 billion, declining marginally by 0.7% over the year.

Iraq remained the  first destination of Turkish pipe exports in 2014. The exports totaled 348,715 tonnes during the year,decreased around 20 percent. The second largest export destination was the US with 331,464 tonnes. The exports to the US rose 18% when compared with 2013. In third place was the UK with 240,209 tonnes. Romania is the fourth biggest export destination for Turkey  which is around 128,180 mt.

Top 10 Industrial Innovations for 2014

Top 10 Industrial Innovations for 2014 as viewed by World Industrial Reporter readers in order of popularity:

1.Motorcycle  Stability Control System Makes Motorbiking a Thrilling Affair

2.Omron Develops New Technology Capable of Projecting Images in Air

3.Breakthrough in Energy Storage Realized From a Single Lightweight Copper Wire

4.NanoSteel’s Engineered Powders Now Available for Additive Manufacturing

5.The First Kick: Mind-Controlled Exoskeleton Planned for FIFA World Cup 2014

6.Peugeot to Launch New Hybrid Car That Runs on Air in 2015

7.Edible Salt to Revolutionize Solar Panel Manufacturing

8.NASA’s New Low Boom Standard to Revive Mach 3 Passenger Travel

9.Printing Homes in 24 Hours Flat! 3D Printing Revolutionizes Construction Business

10.Smart Underwater Drone Could Solve Mysterious Plane Disappearances

Steel Casting Cost Factors

Steel Casting Cost Factors

According to  Emcasting company, there are 5 factors that are affecting steel  casting part price

1-Geometry and shape of part

Internal cavities, quantity and thickness of cores, thin walls, long parts, complicated shapes, more than one parting line requirement, non linear parting lines, reverse angles and non symmetrical parts etc. will increase sand casting piece prices.

Mentioned complexities will increase casting defects such as cold lap, core replacement, flash, mismatch, raised core, deformation etc.

2-Alloy and alloying elements

The alloying element(Silicon, manganese, Chromium, Titanium, molybdenum, nickel, niobium and vanadium etc) quantity and tight  standards will also increase the prices.

3-Order quantity,yearly volume,

Low volume means higher pieces prices.

4-Required Mechanical properties and heat treatment

Annealing and normalizing are usual heat treatment of steel parts that are used to homogenizing micro structure and decreasing solidification stresses.

In some cases to achieve required properties, multiple and costly heat treatments are used. 

5-Requested tests according to safety and critical application

ASTM’s nondestructive testing  techniques used to detect and evaluate flaws in materials and objects without destroying the specimen at hand. Such tests include radiographic, ultrasonic, electromagnetic (eddy-current), X-ray, acoustic, and tomographic techniques. These tests are costly and might increase the cost of  steel  casting part price.





Arçelik Tayland’da fabrikası kuruyor

Arçelik, Tayland’da buzdolabı fabrikası kuruyor.

Arçelik, Avrupa ve Afrika’dan sonra Asya’ya da yatırım yapıyor. Tayland’da temeli atılan buzdolabı fabrikasının 2015’te üretime geçmesi için çalışmalara başlandı. Fabrikanın üç yılda 800 bin buzdolabı üretmesi planlanıyor.

 Avrupa, Ortadoğu ve Afrika (EMEA) Bölgesi’nin 2’nci büyük beyaz eşya şirketi olan Arçelik A.Ş.,  Güney Doğu Asya’da üretim merkezi olarak Tayland’ı seçti.


Stainless steel Demand

Stainless steel REPORT 2014

According to distribution group Damstahl,  demand from fabricators have slowed somewhat,
but orders from stockholders are substantially down. Stockists do not want to receive any new material this year and wait as long as possible with orders for 2015 by checking further nickel price development.

Stainless steel base prices have not increased in Q3/14 and production volumes have decreased   compared to  Q2/14. Currently, base prices are under pressure again and show a downward tendency. Chinese mills still sell significant volumes of 304 CR coils up to 300 EUR below European mills prices.

According to Damstahl Report ,European stainless crude steel production is expected to reach 7.5 mill. ton in 2014 (+5.5% compared to 7.1mill. t in 2013). Production is expected to be considerably higher in Sweden (+10%) and Slovenia (+14%), while on the other hand Germany after the closure of Krefeld – will show a 10% decline of production in 2014.

NICKEL: LME prices fell from almost 20,000 USD/t in the beginning of September to around 15,500 USD/t in   mid-November. Demand from European and especially Chinese mills remained subdued after the summer period. Falling Nickel pig iron  production in China might put nickel prices under pressure in Q1/15, but there is no Nickel pig iron  shortage so far as China was able to stretch Indonesian material with NPI ore from the Philippines. Hence the gap compared to last year’s NPI production is less than 100,000 t this year.



Turkish scrap metal industry

Turkish scrap metal industry

China which is one of the largest consumers of all kinds of metals in the world is not the biggest scrap  importer in the world. Turkey is the largest   scrap metal importer  in the world.

US, Germany, Britain, Russia etc are sending the biggest volumes of their recycled scrap metals to Turkey.

After Turkey, South Korea is the second largest scrap metal importer in the world.

India is the third largest scrap metal importer in the world.

According to report  30 percent of US scrap exports went to Turkey, while Britain sent 32 percent, Russia 47 percent,  Netherlands 30 percent, Belgium 37 percent and Germany 7 percent of exports to Turkey.



Teknik resim antetinde kullanabileceğiniz  “Genel toleranslar

TS 1980 /EN 22768-1: Genel toleranslar 1-Toleransi verilmemis uzunluk ve aci olculeri icin toleranslar.
TR EN ISO 1101: Geometrik toleranslandirma sekil konum ve donme toleranslari
TS 1498: Teknik resim sekil toleranslari ve konum toleranslari
TS 1503 EN ISO 1660: Profillerin olculendirilmesi ve toleranslandirilmasi
TS1980-2 EN 22768-2: Toleransi verilmemis sekil ve konumlar icin geometrik toleranslar
TS ISO 10579: Rijit olmayan parcalarin olculendirilmesi ve toleranslandirilmasi.