Etiket arşivi: purchasing management

Supply chain tokens

Supply chain projects like OriginTrail, Waltonchain and Wabi have rallied in excess of 250% as blockchain interoperability comes into focus.

Over the last few weeks, blockchain projects focused on supply chains and logistics have seen tremendous growth as the coronavirus-induced economic gridlock begins to loosen and future concerns related to the global pandemic subside.


OriginTrail is a self-described “ecosystem dedicated to making global supply chains work together by enabling a universal, collaborative and trusted data exchange.”

The project was established in 2011 with the goal of providing enterprise users with the ability to streamline their supply chains with added data protection and item tracking features.

Currently, the project has partnerships with big-name companies like Microsoft, Walmart and Oracle.


Waltonchain is focused on creating an ecosystem that combines blockchain, RFID technology and the Internet of Things in order to enhance operational efficiency for supply chain use cases.

One recent major development that may have kicked off WTC’s current rally was the successful upgrade of the protocol’s cross-chain center, which enables interactions between data on different blockchains, including Ethereum and Fabric.

Waltonchain is another supply chain-focused protocol 


Wabi is a supply chain ecosystem that connects brands and consumers by enabling the seamless, fair, confidential exchange of information.

Currently, the protocol is preparing to launch a new business-to-business marketing solution with a focus on markets based in Asia. 

The reopening of supply chains after a year of disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be the most significant factor connected to the future success of Wabi and other supply chain and logistics-focused platforms.

On a sectorwide level, interoperability with other blockchain platforms has been one of the primary drivers of the rally among supply chain projects in 2021. As the global economy begins to open back up and supplychains are reestablished, platforms that facilitate smooth global trade could see further upside. 


Foot Locker cites port congestion for nearly 24% drop in inventory

  • Foot Locker is working to reroute its cargo in an attempt to avoid port congestion. Port delays reached two to three weeks in some cases and affected the company’s inventory levels in Q4, CEO Dick Johnson said on the company’s most recent earnings call.
  • Chief Financial Officer Lauren Peters said port congestion was one of the issues, along with store closures, that led to a 2.7% year-over-year drop in sales in the quarter.
  • “Once the product gets into our portion of the supply chain, you know I feel really confident that our team can move through the inventory and get it in the right place very quickly,” Dick Johnson said. “We think that [inventory] will start to normalize over the quarter.

Foot Locker’s inventory was down 23.6% at the end of Q4, as port delays have lengthened lead times for shippers and bottlenecked cargo.

“With respect to our inventory position, although we achieved our goal of being at a healthy composition by the end of the fiscal year, our levels are lower than we would like,” Peters said.

Dick Johnson said the company is working to improve its inventory as it expects to see strong demand in the quarter — especially given the stimulus bill that passed after the company’s earnings call.

“We’re working with our vendor partners to look for alternative routing,” Dick Johnson said in relation to port congestion and inventory levels.

Figuring out alternative ports of entry is a step multiple shippers are taking to avoid congestion at gateways, such as the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.


E-ihale Sonuçlarını üst düzeye çıkarmak

E-ihale’nin  tutarlı ve anlamlı tasarruf sağlaması 1990’ların sonundan bu yana ortalama %10-12 lik tasarruf oranları ile kanıtlanmıştır.

Bununla birlikte, bu tasarruflar “gerçekleşmiyor” değildir ve sonuçlar  e-ihalenin  nasıl yürütüleceğine göre değişir. En iyi tasarrufu yakalamak için,e-satınalma sürecini dikkatli bir şekilde seçmeniz, hazırlamanız ve yürütmeniz gerekir.

E-ihale  sonuçlarınızı en üst düzeye çıkarmak için  aşağıdaki  faktörlere dikkat etmek  gerekir,

Daha fazla tedarikçi= daha fazla tasarruf sağlaması

Doğru açık arttırma biçiminin seçimi

Tedarikçilerin E-ihale sistemi konusunda bilgilendirilmesi

Tedarikçilere doğru hedeflerin verilmesi

1. Daha fazla tedarikçi= daha fazla tasarruf sağlaması:

Açık eksiltme ve açık arttırma için tedarikçilerin sayısı önemlidir. Açık artırmalar ya da eksiltmeler için tasarruf oranı eklenen her ek katılımcı için yaklaşık 1 puan artmaktadır. Davet edilen tedarikçilerin yaklaşık % 60’ı etkinliğe gerçekten katıldığından, etkinliğinize doğru sayıda nitelikli firmatı davet ettiğinizden emin olun. Bunun, açık eksiltme ve açık arttırma  için geçerli olduğunu, ancak Dutch  ve Japon gibi diğer ihale  türlerini kapsamadığını belirtmek önemlidir . 

2. Doğru  ihale biçimini seçin:

E-ihaleler, 1990’ların sonlarında  bu yana uzun bir yol kat etti. Şimdi  Dutch, Japan  ve diğerlerini içeren birçok etkinlik biçimi seçeneğiniz var. Bir örnek olarak, daha az sayıda nitelikli isteklinin bulunması durumunda Japon ve Dutch  açık eksiltmelerini kullanarak, doğru durumlarda duruma göre anlamlı iyileştirilmiş sonuçlar elde edebilirsiniz. Bu nedenle, önceden nitelikli tedarikçileriniz arasındaki rekabetçi durumun   analizini yapmak ve ihale  için doğru stratejiyi tanımlamak ve seçmek için ne kadar aktif katılımcı olacağını bilmek önemlidir .Sonunda bu sizin tasarruf oranınızı etkileyebilir.

3.Tedarikçilerin E-ihale sistemi konusunda bilgilendirilmesi:

Süreç ve teknoloji konsunda bilgisi olan tedarikçiler   daha fazla katılım gösterebilmektedir. Daha faal katılımcıların  sonuçlarını daha iyi bir şekilde yönebildiklerini göstermektedir. Her bir satırdaki tekliflerin sayısı arttıkça, etkinlikten elde edilen toplam tasarruf da artar.İhale sonuçlarını en üst düzeye çıkarmak için tedarikçiyi  önceden hazırlamak ve eğitmek başarlı bir ihale ile için gereken ön şartlardan bir tanesidir.

4. Tedarikçilere doğru hedeflerin verilmesi:

E-ihale sürecinde , zaten teklif sahiplerini belirlediniz   belki de mevcut tedarik tabanınızdan tedarikçileriniz seçtiniz. Tedarikçiler ne kadar çok  satın alma sürecine   hazırlanabilirse,fiyat konusunda daha kesin ve doğru rakamlara ulaşabilirler.

E-ihale tarihinden önce gerekli dökümanların tedarikçilerle paylaşılması,

Tedarikçilere  satın alma ihalesini  detaylarıyla anlatmak,  (telefon görüşmesi veya toplantı gerçekleştirmek)

Tüm teklif sahiplerinin aynı bilgiye,dökümanlara  sahip olmasını sağlamak

Bu uygulamaların çoğu iyi  bir sonuç alabilmek için gereklidir ama firmalarn zaman  ayırmaları gerekmektedir. Bu uygulamalar daha iyi bir e-ihale sürecine katkıda bulunurken, iyi bir e-ihalenin iyi bir tedarikçi bulmak ile başladığını unutmamak önemlidir. Ayrıca detaylı şartnamelere, rekabetçi bir tedarik havuzuna  ve tedarikçi teklifini teşvik edecek özenle seçilmiş bir kategoriye sahip olmalısınız.

Global or Local Sourcing

Strategic sourcing has become an extremely important element to the growth of any company. In order to stay competitive, companies need to constantly ensure the right level of coordination between innovation, organisational efficiency, price policy and procurement.

There appears to be a growing trend towards global sourcing; companies are constantly seeking to find the next low cost procurement option in order to gain an advantage over its competitors.

However there is a second narrative; local sourcing. Recently, more and more arguments are springing up about the immense benefits associated with sourcing locally. This narrative therefore begs the question; is local sourcing not the better option?

We will take a critical look at both sourcing techniques and see which option will better serve our organization’s procurement needs

Arguments against global sourcing

  1. Transport costs

With transport costs growing and with constantly changing demand patterns, organisations need to find smarter ways to become more responsive to customer needs and in a cost effective manner.

In recent times, oil prices have seen significant rises in price; reaching an all time high of approximately US$147 per in July 2008. While the prices have recently crashed to approximately US$60, the longer term price curve is likely to continue in the upward direction and it is worthy of note that for every one dollar rise in oil, there is a corresponding increase in the costs of transportation.  Therefore, unless there are new discoveries of ways to go around this, prices of things will continue to rise.

  1. Supply chain risk

There are also several risks that are inherent in extended supply chains that are detrimental to the growth of any business. Risks such as;

  • Extended lead times
  • Exchange rate risks which affects products pricing
  • Variable lead times in the supply chain, leading to a high level of uncertainty and inconsistency.
  • Loss of control
  • Reputational risk
  1. Loss of agility

Extended supply lines usually have adverse impacts on both time-to-market for new products and the responsiveness of suppliers to customer demand changes. Organisations are unable to quickly respond to significant changes in the market due to the extended lead times. Likewise these extended lead times tend to make organizations unjustifiably exploit larger economies of scale thereby leading to overstocking of supplies which also affects their response time to market innovations.

  1. Sustainability

Global sourcing’s increased need for transport has also impacted negatively on the world’s carbon footprint. Globalization only ends up exporting domestic carbon footprint to countries elsewhere and at an increased rate

In addition

There is an increased risk in the loss of intellectual property rights as there is often less legislative protection or enforcement in developing countries

The argument for Global Sourcing

The rising trend towards global sourcing is probably an inevitable on due mostly to man’s natural instinct to trade, seek options, explore alternatives and find new ways of doing things. Coupled with recent advances in communications and technology, it appears as if global sourcing practices have only just begun to shape the procurement world.

Some of the arguments for the huge importance of global sourcing practices include;

  1. We need Global sourcing to sustain our way of life

The constant rise in world population and the diminishing rate of resources to cater for this growing population has largely impacted the need for globalization in trade (procurement) and all other aspects of human endeavor. Nations who are in deficit will continue to look to other nations where items to be procured are in surplus and are readily available.

  1. The most sustainable option may not be the obvious one

Local sourcing may appear more sustainable but there are a number of documented cases where global sourcing has been found to have less impact on the environment. Conditions such as favorable weather conditions, vegetation, technology, availability of labor and work ethics might actually have significant positive impacts on manufacturing and production thereby leading to less carbon footprints than when sparsely produced


  1. Innovation can provide the solution to issues arising from global trading

It is highly possible to use innovative technology to combat the environmental challenges of global trade. Significant advancements in technology in most industrialized markets have aided the creation of breakthrough energy solutions which offers a new model for bringing lasting energy solutions that are reliable, affordable and doesn’t emit greenhouse gas. This trend has facilitated the growth of global industry.

Today there are thousands of individuals and companies across the globe working hard to harvest different kinds of clean energy in order to change the way we produce goods & services and in many cases, these experiments have been very successful.

  1. Global Sourcing Promotes Peace

There is also an interesting argument that global trade promotes peace among nations. Nations that trade together are unlikely to go to war with each other.


In arriving at a decision on what sourcing strategy to adopt, the points listed above need to be taken into consideration when comparing between global or local sourcing strategies. Whether local or global, neither of the two are inherently right or wrong, it is only a matter of carrying out careful analysis of both sourcing techniques with respect to your company’s procurement needs and selecting that which is more suitable to meet those needs. Wrong sourcing decisions can cost you valuable time and money

Misconceptions About E-sourcing

E-Auctions are very essential tools in a procurer’s toolbox and is capable of providing extraordinary value if appropriately applied. However, wrong implementation and sourcing strategies and a lack of the necessary expertise needed for a successful execution, oftentimes undermines the potentials and benefits that can accrue from e-sourcing practices.  This sometimes results in having disappointed and disgruntled sourcing teams that become open to myths and misconceptions about the true worth of e sourcing technology.

So with all these tales of woes hovering everywhere in the air and contaminating the minds of optimistic e-sourcing professionals, how then are we to determine what information is true and that which is a myth as far as modern sourcing techniques are concerned.

Listed below are 5 of the most popular of these false facts that are being peddled about e-sourcing

  1. E-sourcing techniques are only useful when opting for the lowest price goods or services.

This is so false! because negotiations don’t begin until at the end of a bidding process. This starts only after expected service offerings, product specifications and terms of contract has been agreed by both parties. Suppliers who then surpass these criteria are invited to participate in the negotiation process where the pricing is finally being considered.  With e-Auction, products, prices, quality and terms of purchase are clearly visible for all to see and suppliers can get involved in open competition. This process captures in a central location all the information that is needed so every player has equal opportunities to consider these factors before making business decisions.

E-Procurement has a lot more to offer than just competitive pricing – With e-sourcing you are able to get the best value that your money can buy.

  1. E-Sourcing is only used when offering commodity items and products, not services.

eSourcing techniques can be applied in numerous categories across the business world, not just with commodities and products. Services such as, cleaning, laundry and waste removal can be sourced online with significant savings to be realised at the end of the day. Sourcing experts can also identifying new online sourcing categories that might be relevant and specific to your business needs and likewise provide guidance on how best to go about it in order to receive great value for you and your business.

  1. Esourcing does not produce as much significant savings as is often described.

Regarding this particular line of thought, I can only say to you; “Why not try it out and see for yourself”. Too many companies these days no longer worry themselves about controlling her indirect spend because it is natural to regard it to be much smaller in size when compared to direct spend. However, you cannot even begin to imagine the huge amount of savings that can be realized in this category of spend, which includes; office supplies, computer equipment, floor mats,  hangers, display racks for retailers e.t.c. and any other item or supplies that your employees would ordinarily be needing. Smart procurement teams have realized this and are literarily not sparing any expense when it comes to all things procurement on behalf of their organizations. It’s time to get more creative with your company’s sourcing needs both in the direct and indirect categories of spend.

  1. eSourcing technology is a “one-size-fits-all.”
    This is so not true. Every organization’s procurement team have their own goals and tasks set out for them, and this is why a one-size-fits-all ranking being applied to all categories of suppliers is a recipe for disaster. Applying generic ratings to all service providers is usually not a fair and realistic strategy to adopt and practice in the world of esourcing technology. Different providers have their different strengths and service offerings even if they are operating in similar line of business. It is therefore important for the procurer to explicitly define expectations in each procurement exercise that he and his organization embark on. .
  1. Collaboration is not necessary when it comes to improving esourcing initiatives

Under normal circumstances, I’m sure we will all agree that collaboration breeds more creativity and innovation. So why should it be any different with esourcing practices? Decision making normally is a collaborative activity and collaboration with your procurement team and other stakeholders can help you gain tremendous insights that can enable you solve problems much faster and better. Opportunities that lie within collaboration are huge from both the supplier’s and the procurer’s end. Apart from the significant cost savings that can be obtained from economies of scale achieved through collaboration, collaborators also stand a good chance improving their current decision making process and sourcing initiatives by sharing ideas and experiences and also exchanging notes on past practices that have worked out well for them and their respective procurement teams.

What Procurement Professionals want in 2017

The New Year is here already, after the holiday season filled with lots of giving and sharing with employees, colleagues, friends and loved ones, it’s now time to implement new spending strategies to help you make the most of your 2017 budget. If your company is planning to up the ante on event spending next year, they need to be aware what procurement professionals are looking out for and be better prepared on how make the most out of its 2017 procurement teams.

It’s no longer news that procurement teams fuel the profitability and growth of some the world’s most successful companies, from aligning procurement’s deliverables with top business goals to understanding exactly what needs to change in procurement to drive financial results, there are several habits that organisations can establish to encourage effective procurement practices that result in value generation for the company as a whole.

Some of the Industry trends that procurement professionals tend to be leaning toward in the New Year include:

  1. The power of relationships

The ability to build strong relationships with suppliers, clients and stakeholders can contribute to success within service delivery, recruitment and the list goes on.

Too often we see organisations fail to manage their contracts and suppliers. An effective supplier management framework that appropriately aligns risk, effort and reward is a key enabler of ongoing sustainable value creation. The framework needs to include segmentation (i.e., strategic, operational and tactical), performance management framework(s) and a clear articulation of organisational accountability and responsibility. Procurement professionals should be looking to do more in this regard in order to provide a more personal and tailored approach towards procurement in 2017

  1. Online Platforms

A growing amount of procurement professionals are tapping into online platforms to help build these global relationships. Procurement professionals can leverage what’s happening in retail-related user experience to build commercial business cases to invest internally in great systems.  Systems that will improve productivity and allow organisations to capture data and move from spend analysis to predictive procurement. Platforms that are cost effective and allows for easier data capture at point of purchase for procurement professionals. These niche platforms offer similar functions to a social network but also much more

So what are these online platforms? They aren’t just the usual culprits of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Now there’s a new wave of social media which is tailored to professionals in specific industries – the niche online business network. As for the procurement industry, some of these platforms include; Procurious, Salesforce, Amazon, SAP e.t.c. Procurement professionals should seek to delve deeper into these platforms to see how best they can further build upon existing successes recorded.

  1. Global networking

It’s no secret the logistics, procurement and supply chain profession is global in nature and these niche networks allow procurers, buyers and suppliers to network with people from all corners of the globe.  The online space is no doubt a key channel for establishing business relationships with professionals from some of the world’s largest economies. With functions such as networking capabilities, industry specific news and discussion forums, these platforms create focused global communities. They provide opportunities for members to converse, network and share knowledge with like-minded peers across the globe.

  1. Tailored learning

Niche online networks are also hubs of knowledge which can be useful when fostering relationships with several stakeholders. For example, if procurement professionals want to do business in new locations or with a new supplier, they’ll need to understand their background, the market they play in and local industry issues. Sites and platforms should foster discussions groups which can help one learn about another culture or industry’s way of doing business before entering the market.


The value that the an efficient and effective procurement department brings to an organisation are huge not just in cost savings but also in terms of long term profitability of the business and also in promoting  sustainability business practises and majority of businesses are beginning to establish and encourage habits that can drive these benefits. While the outcome of alignment and transformation projects are different for every organisation, the end result creates a clear path for procurement to drive financial results, earn more internal budget and resources, and demonstrate to key stakeholders the immense value and critical nature of their program. Procurement professionals are constantly challenged to provide the latest innovations that are truly integrated, mobile and social-enabled in order to deliver productivity gains and raise employee engagement and compliance while leading to better supplier management and auditing.