Etiket arşivi: e-satinalma

Three Uses Of Automation Within Supply Chain 4.0

The increased availability of advanced technologies has revolutionized the traditional supply chain model. Supply Chain 4.0 responds to modern customer expectations by relying heavily on the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced robotics, big data analytics, and blockchain. These tools enable automation and thus give organizations a chance to close information gaps and optimally match supply and demand.

Industry giants like Netflix, Tesla, UPS, Amazon, and Microsoft rely heavily on automation within their supply chain to lead their respective industries. Let us take a closer look at three powerful automation use cases.

1. Managing demand uncertainty

A painful aspect of supply chain ecosystems is the demand uncertainty and the inability to accurately forecast demand. Generally, this leads to a set of performance issues, from increased operational cost to excess inventory and suboptimal production capacity. Automation tools can forecast demand, remove uncertainty from the equation, and thus improve operational efficiency at each step along the supply chain.

Big data analytics is an established tool that helps organizations manage demand uncertainty. It consists of data collection & aggregation infrastructure combined with powerful ML algorithms, designed to forecast demand based on historical (or even real-time) data. Modern storage solutions (such as data lakes) make it possible to aggregate data from a variety of sources: market trends, competitor information, and consumer preferences. 

Machine learning(ML) algorithms continually analyze this rich data to find new patterns, improve the accuracy of demand forecasting, and enhance operational efficiency. This is the recipe that Amazon uses to predict demand for a product before it is purchased and stocked in their warehouse. By examining tweets and posts on websites and social media, they understand customer sentiments about products and have a data-based way to model demand uncertainty. 

The good news is that such powerful analytics tools are not restricted to industry giants anymore. Out-of-the-box solutions (such as Amazon Forecast) make such capabilities widely available to all organizations that wish to handle demand uncertainty. 

2. Managing process uncertainties

Organizations operating in today’s supply chain industry need to handle increasingly complex logistic processes. The competitive environment, together with ever-increasing customer expectations make it imperative to minimize uncertainties across all areas of supply chain management

3. Synchronization among supply chain partners and customers

Digital supply chains are characterized by synchronization among hundreds of departments, vendors, suppliers, and customers. In order to orchestrate activities all the way from planning to execution, supply chains require information to be collected, analyzed, and utilized in real-time. A sure way to achieve a fully synchronized supply chain is to leverage the power of automation. 


Satın alma için yıllık tasarruf hedefi

Birçok satın alma organizasyonu, yılın ikinci yarısı başlayınca aynı meydan okumayla karşı
karşıyadır. Mali yıl başında hedefler  zaman içerisinde değişti. Ekibiniz çoklu projelerde gayretle
çalışıyor ancak gecikmeler yaşanıyor ve sonuç olarak yıllık  tasarruf hedefleriniz geride kalıyor.
Sonuçlarını hızlandırmanın yanı sıra, genel operasyonunuzu yıllık tasarruf ve uygunluk
hedefleriniz doğrultusunda yöneterek, bu geciken projelerle ilgili boşlukları doldurmanın bir
yolunu bulmaya  ihtiyacınız var.
Doğru tasarrufflar  için en kolay yol,  kategorileri iyi  tanımlamaktır. Hangi ürün gruplarının kısa
vadeli tasarruf için doğru  kaynaklara sahip olduğunu bulmanız gerekmektedir. Bu ürün grupları
için E-ihale  oluşturabilirsiniz.
Hızlı bir şekilde tassarruf elde etmenizi sağlayabilecek kategoriler;
Hizmet Anlaşmaları=  Servis,Yemek, Temizlik ve güvenlik  hizmetleri için
İnşaat ve Onarım = İndirekt malzemeler, Yeniden yapılan bakım, onarım çalışmaları,Mühendislik hizmetleri
Pazarlama Malzemeleri = Broşürler, promosyon ürünleri, baskı
Telekom ve Elektrik malzemeleri= Şirket içi telefon harcamaları
Nakliye  ve Ulaşım = Kara, deniz ve hava dahil
Bu ve buna benzer  kategorilere  öncelik vererek tasarruflarınızı  hızlandırabilir ve yıllık tasarruf
hedefinize ulaşmak için bir araç olarak kullanabilirsiniz.

Nakliye ve Lojistik alanında E-ihale Kullanımı

E-ihale sisteminin istatistiklerinde  gösterildiği gibi, Nakliye ve lojistik alanında e-ihale hacminin ve tasarrufların arttığı görülüyor.

Nakliye ve lojistik e-ihale için uygun bir kategoridir.

Veri yoğun ihale

Standartlaştırılmış ürün açıklamaları

Büyük ve rekabetçi tedarikçi havuzu

Nakliye ve lojistik   e-ihale  için uygun olmadığının düşünülmesi lojistik kaynakların sıklıkla stratejik satın alma  departmanı tarafından yönetilmemesi ve E-ihale sürecine  daha basit kategorilerle başlamasının istediği gerçeğine dayanmaktadır.

Bununla birlikte, e-ihale platformları ihtiyacınız olan tüm karmaşıklığı halledebilir ve lojistik harcamalarınızı bu şekilde yönetebilirsiniz.

Lojistik harcamaları için , E-satınalmanın  gittikçe artan bir şekilde benimsenmesinin anahtarı, platformun büyük miktarda veriyi işleme kabiliyetine sahip olmasıdır. Lojistik teklifleri doğası gereği birçok gereklilik, kaynak / varış noktası detayları yüzünden karmaşıktır. Büyük miktarda veriyi kolayca toplamak, organize etmek ve değerlendirmek ve kararları desteklemek için kullanabileceğiniz bilgilere dönüştürmenizi sağlar.

Büyük ölçekli çerçeve anlaşmalarının yerine getirilmesi genellikle iyi olsa da, sıklıkla nakliye ihtiyaçlarınızı karşılamak için spot anlaşmalar yapmanız gerekecektir. Müşterilerimizin çoğu, spot müzakereleri yapmak için e-ihale kullanmaktadır.

Bir e-satınalma  platformunun lojistik harcamaları için kullanmanın en önemli avantajlarından biri,  hem spot satın alımlar hem de düzenli olarak planlanan ihtiyaçlar için gerektiği gibi yenilemek ve tekrar etmektir.

Genelde firmaların Nakliye ve lojistik alanında  çok büyük harcama yaptığı göz önüne alındığında, Tasarruflardan yararlanmak için e-ihale sistemini deneyebilirsiniz.

Misconceptions About E-sourcing

E-Auctions are very essential tools in a procurer’s toolbox and is capable of providing extraordinary value if appropriately applied. However, wrong implementation and sourcing strategies and a lack of the necessary expertise needed for a successful execution, oftentimes undermines the potentials and benefits that can accrue from e-sourcing practices.  This sometimes results in having disappointed and disgruntled sourcing teams that become open to myths and misconceptions about the true worth of e sourcing technology.

So with all these tales of woes hovering everywhere in the air and contaminating the minds of optimistic e-sourcing professionals, how then are we to determine what information is true and that which is a myth as far as modern sourcing techniques are concerned.

Listed below are 5 of the most popular of these false facts that are being peddled about e-sourcing

  1. E-sourcing techniques are only useful when opting for the lowest price goods or services.

This is so false! because negotiations don’t begin until at the end of a bidding process. This starts only after expected service offerings, product specifications and terms of contract has been agreed by both parties. Suppliers who then surpass these criteria are invited to participate in the negotiation process where the pricing is finally being considered.  With e-Auction, products, prices, quality and terms of purchase are clearly visible for all to see and suppliers can get involved in open competition. This process captures in a central location all the information that is needed so every player has equal opportunities to consider these factors before making business decisions.

E-Procurement has a lot more to offer than just competitive pricing – With e-sourcing you are able to get the best value that your money can buy.

  1. E-Sourcing is only used when offering commodity items and products, not services.

eSourcing techniques can be applied in numerous categories across the business world, not just with commodities and products. Services such as, cleaning, laundry and waste removal can be sourced online with significant savings to be realised at the end of the day. Sourcing experts can also identifying new online sourcing categories that might be relevant and specific to your business needs and likewise provide guidance on how best to go about it in order to receive great value for you and your business.

  1. Esourcing does not produce as much significant savings as is often described.

Regarding this particular line of thought, I can only say to you; “Why not try it out and see for yourself”. Too many companies these days no longer worry themselves about controlling her indirect spend because it is natural to regard it to be much smaller in size when compared to direct spend. However, you cannot even begin to imagine the huge amount of savings that can be realized in this category of spend, which includes; office supplies, computer equipment, floor mats,  hangers, display racks for retailers e.t.c. and any other item or supplies that your employees would ordinarily be needing. Smart procurement teams have realized this and are literarily not sparing any expense when it comes to all things procurement on behalf of their organizations. It’s time to get more creative with your company’s sourcing needs both in the direct and indirect categories of spend.

  1. eSourcing technology is a “one-size-fits-all.”
    This is so not true. Every organization’s procurement team have their own goals and tasks set out for them, and this is why a one-size-fits-all ranking being applied to all categories of suppliers is a recipe for disaster. Applying generic ratings to all service providers is usually not a fair and realistic strategy to adopt and practice in the world of esourcing technology. Different providers have their different strengths and service offerings even if they are operating in similar line of business. It is therefore important for the procurer to explicitly define expectations in each procurement exercise that he and his organization embark on. .
  1. Collaboration is not necessary when it comes to improving esourcing initiatives

Under normal circumstances, I’m sure we will all agree that collaboration breeds more creativity and innovation. So why should it be any different with esourcing practices? Decision making normally is a collaborative activity and collaboration with your procurement team and other stakeholders can help you gain tremendous insights that can enable you solve problems much faster and better. Opportunities that lie within collaboration are huge from both the supplier’s and the procurer’s end. Apart from the significant cost savings that can be obtained from economies of scale achieved through collaboration, collaborators also stand a good chance improving their current decision making process and sourcing initiatives by sharing ideas and experiences and also exchanging notes on past practices that have worked out well for them and their respective procurement teams.

Are E-Auctions too Price focused?

Unless you are one of those who when at the point of making a purchase, especially online would settle for the first and only option you are provided without seeking alternative brands and price offerings, then I don’t think this is a fair question to ask. Given the vast and endless opportunities provided by the internet, procurers will definitely seek out the best options available to them before settling to buy. Although there is more to online procurement than just pricing, negotiating so as to get the least price possible is definitely top priority for any smart procurer.

Online auctions take advantage of the internet to allow procurers arrive at the true market prices for goods and services being sought for. Most online auctions usually go the route of the “reverse auction” whereby  suppliers in a bid to win over customers tender bids that are lower than those of her competitors and this is the practice that seems to make e auctions appear too price focused. This Increased participation for a buyer’s business would naturally drive down the price. Nevertheless, this doesn’t imply that the lowest price will automatically win the bid; modern day auction technology allows the procurer and supplier to consider factors other than pricing. Factors such as quality, brand, reliability, guarantees,  experience, delivery speed, Warranty, volume discount, technical specifications, delivery dates, shipment methods, legal conditions, customer support, financing options e.t.c. All these are additional specifications that buyers can build into their RFQs and present electronically via the internet to an endless list of suppliers.

e- Auction tools are beneficial to both sellers and buyers. In the long term sellers will benefit by seriously pruning down their sales force since most of their sales will be performed online, saving huge staff costs and other incidental costs associated with maintaining a workforce. Likewise in the short term, buyers can immediately experience reasonable savings from online procurement options.

Other Benefits of e-Auctions

The advantages are extraordinary. In spite of the fact that e-auction tools are different based on individual suppliers, e-autions normally permit purchasers to consult with a good number of suppliers and vice versa all at the same time rather than in a sequential order as in physical procurement. This tends to save the procurer and supplier a lot of time and resources. Purchasers taking an interest in the site’s offering possess the capacity to reduce negotiation periods from about two months to as little as two weeks, empowering e-procurement administrators to focus more attention on other projects and tasks rather than a staggering amount of paperwork

Similarly, there is no need any longer for e-procurement managers to spend hours and hours in one-on-one meetings with potential suppliers sometimes even travelling and arguing over contract terms and details.  Instead, a buyer is simply expected to fill an RFQ (of which several e-negotiation platforms already have templates available) that he submits online. Likewise, suppliers are also capable of replying such requests electronically by submitting online proposals that provides detailed information such as price discounts, delivery dates and shipment methods. E-Auction platforms that has e-negotiation features essentially creates a level playing field for all suppliers who are provided the opportunity to compete, as most times e-auction processes are transparent and the results are clearly visible for all to see

It’s now obvious that there are other reasons that drive the demand for e- auctions  other than significant cost-savings, hence it would not be fair to say that e-auctions are too price focused. Unlike online auctions whereby it is the person with the lowest bid that wins, e-auction activities that feature e-negotiation tools is a huge leap towards a much broader seller – buyer online collaborations. In fact there currently appears to be a shift in focus from price based bargains to quality and performance based bargains amongst procurement professionals, so the argument that e-auctions are too price focused no longer hold water.

There’s even more, e-Auction solutions also provide a fair competing ground for all suppliers to compete for business. Buyer’s can deliver RFQs electronically and can even adopt readymade templates with only a few adjustments and likewise suppliers can deliver their proposals to the buyer via the same medium saving both parties a lot of time and resources. These proposals can also be evaluated electronically based on buyer’s specification thereby easily eliminating unqualified applicants saving also time and making sure that only the exact specifications are considered for purchase.

There is no denying of the numerous impacts that e-Auction technology has had, and will continue to have, in this industry. Buyers and sellers are no longer relying on e-marketplaces to just simply play matchmaker. But with huge opportunities at significant cost and time savings, better quality, stronger collaborations, self-empowerment, more functionality, and improved supply chains, e-auctions will continue to be the way to go in the procurement industry both now and in the near future.

Indirect Spend Categories to Make Cost Reduction

Over the past five years, purchasing/supply groups in well-managed companies have made significant progress in reducing the price of inputs. Since specific direct materials are often associated with distinct Strategic Business Units (SBUs), managing this spend is usually accomplished through center-led commodity groups, with sourcing decisions and administration occurring at the SBU. Though most companies are generally satisfied with the efforts they have made in strategically sourcing their direct goods and services, most companies are still attempting to gain comparable control and results with their indirect spend.

Indirect spend is receiving increased attention from the senior management of large corporations. On average, indirect spend equals about 50 percent of a company’s purchases. Unfortunately, a significant amount of indirect spend is not purchased using the organization’s purchasing/supply function or purchasing processes. Senior management has realized that reducing or eliminating indirect spend offers an opportunity to favourably affect a company’s cost structure. Examples of indirect spend include: professional services, utilities, company travel, office products, and waste Management, facility management e.t.c However, spend that is indirect for one company may be direct for another. Furthermore, segmenting direct and indirect spend can be very difficult, particularly for service companies.

With increased outsourcing of non-core capabilities, the growth of the service sector, and increasing cost pressure, the importance of managing indirect spend is increasing.  A recent survey conducted by The Aberdeen Group recently reported that about 70 percent of procurement executives cite indirect spend as a top focus for controlling and reducing cost. Procurement executives know that indirect category management now presents a significant opportunity for cost management, gross profit and margin growth. More procurement groups now seek to drive a larger volume of contracts through their organizations. They want to manage and negotiate better rates and achieve tighter compliance with both financial and regulatory controls. And they believe that more attention to indirect spend and the multitude of suppliers in those categories can yield savings without distracting management attention from compliance or strategy.

Some of the top 5 Categories where companies can successfully achieve significant savings in indirect spend include:

Marketing Services

Marketing spend is defined as `external expenditures on services related to marketing’. Marketing spend categories usually include printing services compatible to goods,  agency/creative services, and other non-creative services,  Buying Marketing Services is often regarded as one of the highest budget areas within an organisation, hence the role for Procurement has increased considerably in recent years focusing on improving quality, delivery times and innovation.


Waste Management

Waste management is the “generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid wastes”. There are various types of solid waste including municipal (residential, institutional, commercial), agricultural, and special (health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage sludge). The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics.


Professional Services

Organisations often employ professional services for assistance with strategy, management, and other functional services such as legal, Human Resources etc.  Procurement can demonstrate value by providing insight to spend, supplier sourcing, realising savings and organising efficient, economical purchasing processes.


Office Supplies

Office Supplies can be defined as all items which have the objective of retaining or restoring a piece of equipment or system, to a state in which it can perform its required function. These are items which are used in production but do not become part of the end product and include hand tools, spare parts, lubricants and cleaning supplies e.t.c. They are goods acquired for the purpose of current operation; items that are consumable, sometimes perishable or short lived, and are subject to material change. They could also be items of a durable nature such as wastebaskets, small tools, bookends, file cabinets, chairs, calculators.


Facilities Management

Procurement is often involved with many of the services bought in, to support the building and people within an organisation – often referred as Facilities management (FM). FM is a significant area of spend for most organisations, traditionally defined as soft (people focused) and hard (engineering focused). Approaches for managing FM may be centralised or decentralised, either through several direct contractors or via an integrated FM supplier which provides all services.

What Procurement Professionals want in 2017

The New Year is here already, after the holiday season filled with lots of giving and sharing with employees, colleagues, friends and loved ones, it’s now time to implement new spending strategies to help you make the most of your 2017 budget. If your company is planning to up the ante on event spending next year, they need to be aware what procurement professionals are looking out for and be better prepared on how make the most out of its 2017 procurement teams.

It’s no longer news that procurement teams fuel the profitability and growth of some the world’s most successful companies, from aligning procurement’s deliverables with top business goals to understanding exactly what needs to change in procurement to drive financial results, there are several habits that organisations can establish to encourage effective procurement practices that result in value generation for the company as a whole.

Some of the Industry trends that procurement professionals tend to be leaning toward in the New Year include:

  1. The power of relationships

The ability to build strong relationships with suppliers, clients and stakeholders can contribute to success within service delivery, recruitment and the list goes on.

Too often we see organisations fail to manage their contracts and suppliers. An effective supplier management framework that appropriately aligns risk, effort and reward is a key enabler of ongoing sustainable value creation. The framework needs to include segmentation (i.e., strategic, operational and tactical), performance management framework(s) and a clear articulation of organisational accountability and responsibility. Procurement professionals should be looking to do more in this regard in order to provide a more personal and tailored approach towards procurement in 2017

  1. Online Platforms

A growing amount of procurement professionals are tapping into online platforms to help build these global relationships. Procurement professionals can leverage what’s happening in retail-related user experience to build commercial business cases to invest internally in great systems.  Systems that will improve productivity and allow organisations to capture data and move from spend analysis to predictive procurement. Platforms that are cost effective and allows for easier data capture at point of purchase for procurement professionals. These niche platforms offer similar functions to a social network but also much more

So what are these online platforms? They aren’t just the usual culprits of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Now there’s a new wave of social media which is tailored to professionals in specific industries – the niche online business network. As for the procurement industry, some of these platforms include; Procurious, Salesforce, Amazon, SAP e.t.c. Procurement professionals should seek to delve deeper into these platforms to see how best they can further build upon existing successes recorded.

  1. Global networking

It’s no secret the logistics, procurement and supply chain profession is global in nature and these niche networks allow procurers, buyers and suppliers to network with people from all corners of the globe.  The online space is no doubt a key channel for establishing business relationships with professionals from some of the world’s largest economies. With functions such as networking capabilities, industry specific news and discussion forums, these platforms create focused global communities. They provide opportunities for members to converse, network and share knowledge with like-minded peers across the globe.

  1. Tailored learning

Niche online networks are also hubs of knowledge which can be useful when fostering relationships with several stakeholders. For example, if procurement professionals want to do business in new locations or with a new supplier, they’ll need to understand their background, the market they play in and local industry issues. Sites and platforms should foster discussions groups which can help one learn about another culture or industry’s way of doing business before entering the market.


The value that the an efficient and effective procurement department brings to an organisation are huge not just in cost savings but also in terms of long term profitability of the business and also in promoting  sustainability business practises and majority of businesses are beginning to establish and encourage habits that can drive these benefits. While the outcome of alignment and transformation projects are different for every organisation, the end result creates a clear path for procurement to drive financial results, earn more internal budget and resources, and demonstrate to key stakeholders the immense value and critical nature of their program. Procurement professionals are constantly challenged to provide the latest innovations that are truly integrated, mobile and social-enabled in order to deliver productivity gains and raise employee engagement and compliance while leading to better supplier management and auditing.

E-ihale sistemini Ektin Şekilde Kullanmak

Bir e-satınalma yazılımına kaydolmak aslında amaç değildir önemli olan yazılımı etkin şekilde kullanabilmektir.

Satınalma departmanları için bir numaralı hedef genellikle tasarruflardır. E-ihale ise o hedefe  en hızlı ve en iyi şekilde ulaşmak için bir araçtır.

O hikaye tanıdık gelebilir,

Bir egzersizin sizin için iyi olduğunu biliyorsunuz; Geçmişte bunu zaman zaman yaptınız ve sonuçlarını hep gördünüz.

Bununla birlikte, günlük yaşam koşuşturması sizi geride bırakıyor ve spora yapabileceğiniz bir program olmadan istediğiniz sıklıkta gitmiyorsunuz.

Yani, bir şey ödemenin sorunu çözeceğini umarak yıllık bir spor salonu üyeliğine sahip olursunuz.

Ancak bunu günlük rutininizin bir parçası haline getirmeksizin gerçekleştirmek zordur.

Egzersiz gibi, e-ihale de kanıtlanmış ve sonuçları  iyi belgelendirilmiştir.

% 12-20 tasarruf

Şeffaflık  vb

Aberdeen Group’a göre

Uluslararası Firmaların  % 68’i e-satınalma sistemi kullanıyor, diğerlerinin % 45’i bu sistemi kullanıyor.

Maliyet azaltma , Satınalma ekipleri için en önemli konuların başında gelmektedir, ve geçen yıla göre  %20 oranında bir önem kazanmıştır.

Stratejik satınalma, çoğu satın alma departmanı için en önemli tasarruf kaynağıdır.

Tasarruflar, en iyi tedarik performansı ölçütü olmaya devam ettiği için,satınalma  ekibinin yeteneklerini ve sürecini geliştiren (ve sonuçları iyileştiren) araçlara ve kaynaklara yapılan yatırım mantıklıdır.

Bütün bunlar göz önüne alındığında, çoğu kuruluşun e-ihale  platformlarından tam olarak faydalanamaması neden? Yapılan araştırmalara göre şirketler yapabileceklerinden daha az elektronik ihale yapmaktadırlar.

Peki, kuruluşunuzun e-satınalma araçlarını daha etkin kullanmasını nasıl sağlayabilirsiniz? Spor salonundan öğrendiğiniz dersleri kullanın:


Onu günlük rutinin bir parçası yapın

Uzman desteği mevcut  bulunsun

Hedefleri belirleyin ve onları takip edin

Bu basit adımları izlerseniz, yılda 10 e-ihale etkinliğinden 50 veya daha üzerine çıkabilirsiniz.


The use of on-line auctions (e-auction) has increased rapidly in the last few years. Since they came onto the purchasing scene in the late 1990’s through the development of internet-based applications but just like with every other breakthrough events and technologies, e-auctions too come with its attendant risks and it is important that buyers and suppliers understand what these risks are so as to mitigate against its effects. Some of these risks are;

  • Bids not having enough qualified and competent suppliers;
  • suppliers not being able to demonstrate the overall value of their product or service and
  • Oversimplification of requirements to ‘fit the system’.

Without effective change management expectations may never be reached and inexperienced suppliers may bid below a sustainable price which makes the entire process unattractive to qualified and competent bidders. If a supplier suffers from a bad e-auction experience, then it is likely they may be reluctant to enter into the process again. Try to make sure that before rolling out an e-auction programme, the process is as fair and transparent as possible and has been approved by a pilot group including suppliers and that feedback from the pilot process is enacted on.

Some of the reasons why suppliers may be reluctant to participate in an e-auction bidding include;

  1. Unsuitable commodity/service – this might be an item where there is no competition in the market place, or that is too complicated to specify or largely cannot be specified
  2. Lack of competitive supply base – if a product or service does not have at least three suitable suppliers, then the e-auction process is not generally suitable
  3. Poor training of buyer/supplier – getting things right first time is imperative to build trust amongst suppliers in your company’s e-auction process
  4. E-Auction timing – If you are inviting suppliers to participate from a different country and time zone, take care that if the timing chosen to run the auction is convenient to those suppliers.

So what if you are running a bidding process and there are not enough suppliers to make the process as competitive as you would want, what do you do?

Highlighted below are some of the strategies you can adopt to find your way around that problem

1.Supplier implementation

Firstly the best good advice I can give to you is that it is important to get supplier input during the pre-bid (for example through participation in building the RFx) to ensure that they feel a part of the process. One key advantage of this is that this dampens emphasis on pricing and buyers and suppliers can focus on understanding and meeting technical elements of the bid, i.e. meeting the customer’s real needs and this can help to produce the desired results even when participation is not very robust.2.

2.Getting supplier buy-in

There is more supplier acceptance of online auctions than there once was, but still you need to tread carefully to get their buy-in. Visit suppliers or invite them to briefings to explain carefully the principles not just of auctions, but more broadly of online sourcing. They will have concerns, but they will have useful input too: they know their businesses better than you do, and what they tell you will help you optimise your strategies for online bidding events. As a result of hard talking up front, online sourcing will help you to create precise and detailed RFQs that will improve communication and reduce business risks further down the road.

3. Driving Best Practise

In order to improve on the numbers and achieve a more competitive bidding process, a procurer needs to put some people, process, performance measurement and knowledge capabilities in place. The first requirement is a clear understanding of the supply base and the criticality of each supplier to the business. Typically an organisation can segment between strategic partners, value-added suppliers and commodity product suppliers. One will also need to build up market intelligence in order to gain a clear understanding of the dynamics of the market sectors and to define sector strategies – for example properly crafted online RFQs and RFPs can help expedite the communication between buyer and suppliers and can help drive a standardised sourcing process across the organisation.


Lastly the importance training and retraining of suppliers as to the workings of your online procurement process cannot be overemphasized. Many buying organisations underestimate the amount of time it takes to educate suppliers in online auction tools. Suppliers with less tech-savvy sales teams may need some extra handholding through their first events, and here the assistance of the auction technology provider can be invaluable. Bidders need feel more comfortable about participating in the process especially when there is a limited number of them.

E- İhale ,Elektronik İhale Nedir?

Artık günümüzün en popüler kullanım ağı internet. Bütün işlerimizi gördüğümüz  ve bütün ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan en büyük mecra diyebiliriz. Sadece çok büyük uluslararası şirketler değil aynı zamanda orta seviyede hatta yeni kurulumunu tamamlamış şirketler bile artık görüşmelerini internet üzerinden güvenceli şekilde gerçekleştiriyor.

Şirketler hakkında bunlardan bahsettikten sonra E-ihale sisteminden de bahsetmek lazım.

E-ihale yine yukarıda belirttiğimiz gibi şirketlerin zamandan kazanmak ve satın alma işlerini hızlı şekilde birçok tedarikçiye ulaştırmak amacı ile oluşturulan bir platformdur. En büyüğünden en küçüğüne kadar tüm şirketler bu elektronik ihaleye katılabilir ve fiyat teklifinde bulunabilir. Satın alma yapan firmalar kazancını kaybını çok iyi hesaplayabilir.E-ihale platformunun en büyük yararı ise zamandan büyük kazanç sağlamasıdır. Zamandan kazanç bir şirket için çok büyük avantaj anlamına gelmektedir. Aynı zamanda ulaşabileceğinizden fazla şirkete satın alma işleminde ulaşabilirsiniz. Çünkü bütün tedarikçi firmalar sizin elektronik ihalenize bir bilgisayar ile ulaşabilecektir.

Günümüzde e-ihale yöntemini kullanarak işlerini geliştiren bir şirkete örnek verecek olursak, şirket bu yöntemin bütün tedarikçilere adil bir rekabet ortamı sağlandığını da açıklıyor. E-ihale yöntemi  sadece birkaç saat bazen de 10 dk gibi kısa sürede gerçekleştirebiliyorlar. Bu yüzden teknolojinin avantajlarını çok iyi kullanmayı başarabiliyor. E-ihale yöntemi ile tedarikçilerinize adil bir satınalma ortamı oluşturabilirsiniz.

Elektronik ihale platformunda rakipler birbirlerinin fiyatlarını ya da sıralamalarını görebildikleri için kendi fiyatlandırmalarını da düzeltip değiştirme imkanı bulabiliyorlar. Bu sayede Tedarik Zinciri’ni oluşturulmasını isteyen firma için büyük mali kazanç meydana geliyor. Bütün firmaların satın alma fiyatını görmek ve bunu bir platformda düşünerek süzgeçten geçirmek önemlidir. E-ihale yönteminde tedarikçi  firmalar ihaleye verdiği teklifi görebiliyor. Her şey büyük bir şeffaflık içerisinde gerçekleşiyor.

Yurtdışıda oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılan elektronik ihale Türkiye’de henüz istenilen seviyeye gelmedi gibi görünüyor. Tüm şirketler kendi büyümelerinin daha hızlı olmasını istiyorsa elektronik ihale yöntemine uyumunu da hızla oluşturmalıdır. Bu sayede gelişim ve kazanç sağlanabilir. Avrupa’da ve Amerika da  şirketlerin  yoğun olarak kullandığı bir sistem e-ihale yöntemi.

E-ihale yöntemi ilk olarak 2002 yılında başladı. 2006 yılında ise büyük ölçüde gelişimini tamamladı. 2008 yılındaki büyük krizden sonra ise artık tamamen yaygınlaştı ve şirketler tarafından kullanılmaya başlandı. Çünkü dediğimiz gibi amaç büyümeyi ve maddi kazanç devinimini hızlandırmaktı.  Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de profesyonelleşmiş şirketler e-ihale sistemini kullanmaya başladılar.  Bu şirketler tedarikçi firmalar için e-ihale hizmeti sunuyor ve ortamı oluşturuyor. Bu konuda danışmanlık almak, profesyonel  kişilerden eğitim almak da öneli bir konu haline geliyor.

Bu platformda ihalenizi açmanız için e-ihale hizmeti alacağınız şirkete bilgileri vermeniz yeterli oluyor. Artık ihale gününü bekleyip ihale sonucu size ulaştırılıyor. Sonrasında ise gerekli adımlar izlenerek ihale sizin için kazançlı olarak sonuçlanıyor.

E-ihale yaratmak istediğiniz zaman ilk olarak şartnameleri ve e-ihaleye katılmasını istediğimiz tedarikçilerin listesini e-ihale hizmetini aldığınız şirkete bildiriyorsunuz. Tedarikçiler belli bir tarihe kadar şartnameleri inceliyor ve e-ihale için tekliflerini hazırlamaya başlıyorlar. Daha sonra belirlenen tarih, ve saatte e-ihale başlıyor. Yeni bir teklif revizyonu gelmemesi durumunda ihale sonuçlanıyor. Şirket tarafından ihale size raporlanıyor.